Since the early 1980s Pitt Street has played a leading role in efforts to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQA+) people in both the church and society. These efforts arise from our conviction that all human beings are created in the image of a loving God, and deserve be treated with respect and dignity. The Congregation has contributed through:

- Aiming for Pitt Street to be a safe place of welcome regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity and intersex status.
- Submissions to church and government inquiries into homosexuality in general, and specific issues such as discrimination, and marriage equality.
- Participation in LGBTIQA+ community events such as the annual Mardi Gras Parade and Fair Day.
- Welcoming LGBTIQA+ groups to meet at Pitt Street.
- Welcoming the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Choir to sing at special events and services.
- Offering pastoral conversation and referral for people thinking about their sexuality or gender identity.
- Celebrating Blessings for same-sex couples, and, since 2018, marriages for same-sex couples.
Pitt Street members have been active participants and leaders in the Uniting Church LGBTIQ Network (Uniting Network Australia) both in NSW and nationally.
Uniting Network Australia (UNA) is the national network for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQA+) people, families, friends and allies within the Uniting Church in Australia (UCA).
Uniting Network Australia’s vision is that the Church become a safer place which welcomes and celebrates LGBTIQ people, our families, partners, children and friends. UNA’s vision is of a Church community in which our gifts are shared in all areas, and our loving relationships are upheld and affirmed.
UNA’s particular mission is to provide a national voice and participate in helping the Uniting Church in Australia to wrestle with issues of faith, sexuality, gender identity and intersex status.
For more information or to join the Uniting Network go to their website...
Uniting Network and the Uniting Church in Australia have published a number of resources on sexuality, gender identity and intersex status.
The Uniting Network resources have specific material on transgender and intersex people, and gender diversity. There is also a detailed guide to inclusive language that respects people of intersex, trans and gender diverse experience. read more and find them...

Equal Voices is a movement of straight and LGBTIQA+ and Christians who mourn the silencing and rejection of Christians who are LGBTIQA+ by our churches. We are committed to the cultivation of church cultures in which LGBTIQA+ people are welcomed and accepted on the same basis as anyone whose sexuality is ‘straight’.
Go to the Equal Voices website to
A talk given at Pitt Street Uniting in May 2015 offered A Modern Orthodox Jewish reflection on the 2015 Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Transphobia, and Intersex Exclusion. The talk was by Dr Y. Gavriel Ansara and is here.

Find LGBTIQ affirming resources
Other LGBTIQA+ affirming Christian churches and support groups in Sydney, go to the Uniting Network Australia.