Community Life

Information brochure - updated 3rd August 2023

Pastoral Care

Pastoral care is an important part of our life together at Pitt Street as a community of friends following the Way of Jesus. Pastoral care takes place in a number of ways, both formally and informally.

Formally, each member or friends who agree, are allocated to a Pastoral Friend who keeps particular contact with and concern for the people on their pastoral care list. Pastoral friends meet regularly and receive training. Each Sunday pastoral care is offered when we pray for people in particular circumstances (such as illness), or share during community time.

Informally, many Pitt Street people meet together regularly in Neighbourhood and Social Groups. Individuals can also request to meet and engage in a pastoral conversation with the Minister or the Pastoral Care Co-ordinator.

Updated monthly

Neighbourhood and Social Groups

Many of our Pitt Street people participate in Neighbourhood and Social Groups which meet at different times and frequencies. This is particularly appropriate as we are a city church.


For scintillating discussion, enjoyable company and friendship, sharing the faith journey, space away from their normal week, and for the good food.

Each of the existing Neighbourhood and Social Groups has a different character as there is no set program for all groups. Those taking part share in fellowship, friendship and supporting and enjoying each other's company.

If you would like to be part of forming a new group or have any enquiries about existing ones, contact the Pitt Street office.

NameMeeting DateTimeContact Name
Inner West2nd Friday of the month07:00 pmPatricia Curthoys
Not Shore (North Shore)1st Friday of the month07:00 pmSue McEvilly
Quay PeopleLunch after church at City Extra (Circular Quay) every couple of monthsas arrangedBruce and Liz Irvine
Ryde-On (Penrith to Sydney Metro)1st Saturday of the month12:00 pmDawn & Lionel Robson
CinematicsMovie and coffee, once or twice a monthas arrangedMeredith Knight
Church Book Club (with Gosford Anglicans)Online, last Wednesday of the month07.30 pmPenny Jones