Fourth Friday Labyrinth Walk 2025

Walking the Labyrinth with the Gospel of Mark in 2025
Following on from a series of labyrinth walks over the last three years—the 4th Friday Labyrinth walks will continue in 2025.
We will walk with stories from the Gospel of Mark.

All are welcome; consider inviting a friend.

Time: 10:00am
Location: Centennial Park Labyrinth.

Dates: 28 February, 28 March, 25 April (ANZAC Day), 30 May (NB 5th Friday), 27 June, 25 July, 22 August, 26 September, 24 October, 28 November (TBC).

RSVP is helpful but not essential.
For further information: Elizabeth Lee

Return to Worship – COVID-19 Safe Plan

Return to Worship – COVID-19 Safe Plan

For the latest information on COVID please visit NSW Health website page for COVID-19.

  1. Please do not come to Pitt St if you are unwell with any of the symptoms of COVID.  Please get tested and self isolate until you get a negative result if you are unwell or a close contact of someone who has COVID.  We also strongly encourage you to stay away if you are considered a casual contact.
  2. Please use the QR check in code if possible.  If not please ensure your contact details are recorded by one of the welcomers.
  3. Please maintain physical distance whenever possible and avoid congregating in entry/ exit points, ailes etc.  Observe distance markings where possible
  4. Households can sit together but please follow green tick spacing for different households.
  5. Mask wearing if required.
  6. Congregants who are fully vaccinated are able to join in singing but are required to do wo while wearing a mask..
  7. No physical contact when “exchanging the peace.”  Please just use an appropriate distant acknowledgement.
  8. Morning tea will not be served in the coming weeks.  Feel free to visit a nearby cafe to catch up with one another.
  9. Cleaning teams are asked to clean frequently touched hard surfaces- the backs and sides of pews, lecterns, light switches, door handles and door plates etc with spray bottle and damp cloth.
  10. Those using av equipment, pens, clipboards, chairs etc are also asked to clean after use.
  11. Please keep out of office / kitchen spaces unless absolutely necessary, and observe capacity limits
  12. Remember the importance of frequent handwashing or use of hand sanitiser
  13. Extra masks, hand sanitiser and cleaning materials are available as required.
  14. Please ask the COVID monitor or welcomer if you need any clarification
  15. While we encourage vaccination, we will not require or check peoples vaccination status.
  16. Pitt St COVID Safe Plan is available at the back of the Church.